
Alexander is really into gaming, it’s pretty much the only thing he is really into. He loves to play games and watch others play online. We were going to try to start a game streaming channel for him, with professional video editing and effects by the lovely Jessica at Tiny Lake Productions but he lost steam on it after we were trying to go through to get everything working and figure out on how to do it. I think the amount of behind the scenes effort and work that goes into it just to do one video took the wind out of his sails a little bit. He still might end up doing it at some point, who knows? Anyway, he asked me to play Fortnite with him which is his favorite game and I agreed. He plays on the Switch and I play on the computer as I love to play this game and others like casino games in the wildcardcity casino online. I’ve got to tell you, when Alexander and I do anything together it usually doesn’t tend to end well. We butt heads about just about everything, mostly because he’s pretty much just a younger version of me in most ways and wont listen to anything when he does stuff that I wish I hadn’t when I was younger. Usually when we play video games together it ends up with screaming from him and me getting up and leaving before I get super pissed off. It’s something that we are working on because I really want to be involved with the things that interest him if I can.

After having a good talk about how when playing with others the most important thing is teamwork and communication we started the game. I suck at Fortnite because I hate the game and never play it and I usually die right away when we play together because he runs off on his own and leaves me without any guns or backup to find some fancy gun or to dick around burning buildings down for fun, etc. Well this time we actually worked together as a team to do callouts, cover the other person while they were vulnerable, share resources, heal each other, etc. and we won! It’s the first time that I’ve won anything in Fortnite personally, he’s won in solos quite a few times, he’s actually not bad at the game. Unfortunately we weren’t doing a screen capture or recording audio of what were saying like we would have if we were doing an episode for a gaming channel but we were able to do a replay of the match from the replay file and he wanted to post it online. I did his perspective and you can see me running around in the background, well the replay is a bit glitched for my character and most of the time I’m not actually running, just doing some weird floating statue thing because it didn’t animate my character. Without further ado, here’s Alexander and I’s Fortnite win from Alexander’s point of view.

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