I’m over 72, and I feel great!

If you’re not familiar with what the title of this post is referring to, it’s pretty much a joke from the silly jump this guy Roger Teeter does in his commercials that usually gives people a good laugh as seen below…

Pretty silly right? My problem is that I’m not over 72, I’m 37 and I don’t feel great. I’ve been in absolute misery since last Saturday afternoon with a pinched nerve in my neck that has been taking turns alternating between making my left arm numb and my fingertips all pins and needles, and making it hard to breathe in because of shooting pain from the left side of my chest up my neck. It makes for a really miserable work week indeed when when it’s compressed into 3 long work days and you’re hurting the whole time. I’m sure my guys were sick of hearing about it, I know how annoying it can be when someone seems like they are constantly bitching about some ailment, but damn, sometimes I couldn’t think about anything else. Last night I bit the bullet and bought one of those teeter hang ups for $400 bucks from Amazon with my phone while i was still at work in the hope of finding some relief, not just for this current neck thing, but for the more common middle back disk problem that always hurts too. People at work laughed at me and did the “Teeter jump” and got a good chuckle out of it, but my whole problem is that I can’t do the teeter jump that a guy twice my age is doing right now even if I wanted to and that really sucks. I gotta try something, I’ve got 30 more years of work ahead of me and I would like to retire and go do things after that too and I don’t want to spend that time being miserable. Whether that is hanging upside down several times a day in a modern medieval torture device, yoga, stretching, fish oil, whatever… I don’t care.

I’m sad to report that I’ve failed in my daily mile run streak quest. I made it 81 days in a row and averaged 1.62 miles per day during that time but this neck thing brought it to a premature end. I went out Saturday after work and did my mile and haven’t felt that kind of pain in a long time. Sunday came and Jessica asked if I was going out and after a pause the answer was… No. Oh well, not the end of the world I guess. I’ll just get back on the horse again when I’m feeling better. We are 12 weeks out from the Good Life Halfsy that Jessica and I are signed up for so it’s time to start a training plan to get ready for that.

We all went to the Lancaster County Fair last week. Jessica and I could have taken it or left it because it was pretty ghetto as fairs go but it wasn’t for us, it was for the boy and we ended up having a pretty good time. On the way there Alexander was in the back seat rubbing his hands together going “I’m sooooooo exciteddddddddd…..” We ate a whole bunch of crap fair food and Alexander showed that he’s going to be a ride person, unlike me. He rode some roller coasters with mom and was grinning so big that I thought his smile was going to touch his eyeballs. I was going to go with him too on one of the roller coaster rides but it turned out that going on the ferris wheel gave me motion sickness and I didn’t feel well after that. I know… THE FERRIS WHEEL??? Yes, I got sick after riding the ferris wheel. Lame. I can’t help it, I’ve got inner ear problems and I get motion sickness from it. It’s a genuine medical condition, stop making fun of me! Here’s a few pictures from the fair.