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Potty Power!

Well we are finally wrist deep into the potty training process with Alexander. We dabbled a bit with it here and there to see if he was reaching the point where he was physically able to do it, but Mommy and I had to finally 

Just a touch of the plague, nothing to worry about.

Well I was off work for two days, which really kind of sucks because I have to use so much vacation time to take a day off on the weekend, I would much rather spend it doing something I want to do you know? Everyone 

Money money money, moooooneyyyyy…

Well the purple PT is back in service, it was crazy expensive to get it fixed but from when I first made the call, to having it done took just under 24 hours. They even came and towed it from the parking lot at work. 

Knock on wood.

Well we are down to one car, last weekend Jessica’s purple PT decided to poop the bed and dump all it’s coolant on the ground after I started it up to warm it up so I could go home at 10. I ended up having 

Something Old, Something New

Greetings all. Steve has posted a couple of things lately, thought I’d do the same. So, I’m sure if you are facebook friends with me, you might be wondering what the hell I’m inundating your newsfeed with. Ya, I’ve taken the first steps in a 

So yea, we got some Fitbits.

Jessica and I just received our brand new Fitbits from the UPS man today. Basically it’s a fancy pedometer that you wear on your wrist all the time. It tracks how much you are moving throughout the day and gives you an estimate of how