
Alexander is really into gaming, it’s pretty much the only thing he is really into. He loves to play games and watch others play online. We were going to try to start a game streaming channel for him, with professional video editing and effects by 

You’re writing in a blog? OK Boomer.

Yes I’m putting something up on the ancient blog that was started in 2005, no I’m not a Boomer, still Gen X. I’m just sick of how the entire ecosystem of the internet is now all in one place, Facebook, and I’m sick of the 

The money pit.

So last November we finally decided to get rid of the venerable old purple PT Cruiser that Jessica had had the entire time that we had known each other.  It still ran OK engine wise but I had said the hell with it because despite 

Realistic expectations.

I’ve been trying to run and to keep myself in shape for roughly 10 years now.  You know, slowing the hands of time and all that and its pretty obvious to me that I’m getting older.  I can go through all my times in my 

Yep, still alive.

Been a while since I’ve written anything on here.  Let’s see, it’s been just over… 2 years!  Don’t know what really happened with that to be honest with you.  I guess for a long time there I was just feeling so mentally drained at I 

D.I.N.K. for a day.

I am getting to pretend that I’m a D.I.N.K. again for a few days, you know, dual income, no kids?  Alexander is at grandma and grandpa Flemings place for a few more days.  Jessica’s family had a reunion last Saturday that we went to and